If you wish to contact us regarding an order you have placed with us, please use the Contact Seller option on that marketplace to get in touch. This will allow us to prioritise your enquiry more efficiently and you’ll get the fastest response that way.

Alternatively, see our new Customer Support page for help and alternative contact form for reporting damages and discrepancies, or other issues with order(s) you have already placed.

Otherwise for all other enquires and feedback, please use the contact form below, and we’ll get back to you at the earliest opportunity.


    We can also be reached by telephone on 0121 753 5008. (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding public holidays)

    Please note, for efficiency of dealing with customer enquiries and requests, we prefer online communications, this number should be used for enquiries only, we do not take telephone orders or payments. Also as we are a small team, there may be times when the best person to speak to for technical or detailed enquiries is unavailable. If your enquiry is not urgent, please use the contact form above, or contact us through the marketplace you have purchased from, or intend to purchase from, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours or sooner.


    ARKS GLOBAL LTDarks_cartoon

    Company Number: 08948658
    VAT Reg No GB 191 0306 38

    Trading Address:
    Unit 1, 6 Grafton Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, B11 1JP

    Registered Company Address:
    Corner Oak, 1 Homer Road, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3QG