While it is true that a large number of our items will be shipped with ’24hr couriers’ such as DPD, DHL Parcel, TNT etc, buyers shopping on eBay should always pay attention to the estimated delivery date shown to them at the point of purchase.
Most of the items we offer for sale are not stocked by ourselves, and ordered in from our suppliers on demand, or they are dispatched directly from our suppliers.
Depending on our suppliers, and how often we receive deliveries from them, orders may take a few days to dispatch, so a handling time will be applied. This covers the time from the order is received from the buyer, to when the item purchased will be ready to dispatch.

Always pay attention to the estimated delivery date shown, and don’t assume your order will be dispatched immediately, which is a mistake many buyers sadly make, and just ends up in disappointment.
Also note that any quantity shown as ‘available’ on eBay is just that, and no indication of anything being ‘in stock’. We utilise stock level feeds from our suppliers to ensure we have a full range of products available for our customers to purchase, we are not being ‘disingenous’ by listing for sale products we cannot supply, though unfortunately we do sometimes suffer from discrepancies where stock level feeds are not updated quickly enough.